Setting the Scene for the 1920s
Monarch – King George V. Prime ministers David Lloyd George, Bonar Law, Stanley Baldwin, Ramsay MacDonald.
Conscripts to be replaced by a volunteer army of 220,000 men. Compulsory hand signals to be introduced for all drivers. Police patrol London on motorcycles for the first time. The British Legion is founded. The first women jury members in England are empanelled. The Irish War of Independence comes officially to an end. Ernest Shackleton sets sail on his last expedition to Antarctica. First hunger march sets out, from Glasgow to London. First outside broadcast by the British Broadcasting Company. Liquor Act makes it illegal to sell alcoholic beverages to under-18s. Archaeologist Howard Carter unseals the burial chamber of Tutankhamun. Frigidaire becomes the first make of refrigerator marketed in the UK. John Logie Baird successfully transmits the first television pictures. General Strike begins in support of the miners’ strike. Electricity (Supply) Act creates the Central Electricity Board to set up the National Grid. Britain’s first automatic traffic lights are deployed. Voting age for women lowered from 30 to 21. Heinz Baked Beans are manufactured in the UK for the first time. Alfred Hitchcock’s Blackmail the first British sound film.
Wilfred Owen’s collected Poems (posthumous). Richmal Crompton’s children’s stories Just William. Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot novel, The Murder on the Links. A. A. Milne’s children’s book Winnie-the-Pooh. Evelyn Waugh’s satirical novel Decline and Fall.
Chapter 5 Part 1 Royal Arms, Heath End Nurseries | Chapter 5 Part 2 Rowhills Cottages, Woodlands The Deluge (1917) | Chapter 5 Part 3 Littlecott, Hill View |
Chapter 5 Part 4 Rokeby, Rowhills, Weywood in Weybourne | Chapter 5 Part 5 The Copse House | Chapter 5 Part 6 The Warren |
Chapter 5 Part 7 The Red House, The Army College | Chapter 5 Part 8 College Road 1920s College Road map |